Strength with a side of joy
Find your flow with inclusive virtual pole classes🤎
We created pole classes powered by science.
We love infusing research-backed information into our program to help students learn faster and with more ease.
Because our studio is focused on helping you deepen your practice, build your pole mastery, and enjoy being in your body more.
Our Non-Negotiables
Come to the virtual space as you. All identities are welcome here.
Find folks who you can connect with through dance and outside of class.
Evidence-Backed Techniques
We take knowledge seriously and only give you the info we can cite.
Freestyle Dance Focused
Get into it. Express yourself. We believe pole should feel fun.
The Membership
Science of Slink
Create your dream practice from the comfort of your own home. You’ll get access to live classes and a community of people who want to see you shine. It’s time to come home to you.
Our Slinkers 🤎🐍
New to pole? Or new to us?
Grab a pack of 4 classes to try out our virtual studio. Packaged at a discount, we want you to feel like this is your pole home before going all in.
Investment: $80
Hi, I’m Dr. Rosy Boa
A self-proclaimed nerd, I combine my research Ph.D. with my personal training certification to infuse science into pole. But on a personal note, when I signed up for my first class in 2012– I saw my body as a necessary inconvenience.
I was never the natural athlete. And often, I felt like the only person in the room who was stumbling through the trick we were learning. But by approaching pole like a research problem, I was able to break it down and learn the moves my way. But more importantly, break down all of the beliefs I had about my body, strength, and being a dancer.
Pole transformed my relationship with myself. And I hope by stepping into the online studio, you can watch yourself dance with a new set of eyes, loving who you are in class and beyond the pole.
Reach out whenever. We can’t wait to support you!